The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX

The Last Rites for the Comics Industry

Gutter Humour of A Different Kind
Welcome to Comicscollapse. Our mandate here is simple; to bring you all the editorial griping you've come to expect but have been mysteriously denied, on the upcoming shortcomings of the mainstream American comic book publishing industry.

We make no claims as to the intrinsic value of what you read on these hallowed pages, but we do reasonably guarantee that if you have been disappointed with your pull list of late, here you will find you are not alone.

The Latest Travesties

Sunday, March 25th, 2001: Got us a site to call the end of the world as we knew it... in comics, anyway. The end starts now.


Watch That First Step...
You have been duly warned. We don't know how you got here, but it it feels wrong, just reset the coordinates and vworp yourself back out of here, pronto! No mama's boys allowed.

Notes From The EDITRIX
The Editrix Formerly Known As...

Well, my lady Mystaque (aka the late Shadowcrab) has once again transformed, and shall now be known as Taconite, a perky little low-grade iron ore that they mine a great deal of in her home state. Brand New Name, same great content shredding.


This is Strictly a Labour of Love/Hate:
Here Be Dragons!

We will be reviewing and commenting on whatever comics media crosses our path, with no apologies for anything negative, or positive we may wish to share on the state of the industry and its noble wares.

We would like to express that in no way are we out to offend or alienate creators or hardworking staff personel who had a hand in anything we rip apart. We may be snarky, but we're really nice in person, and we even pick up the tab at select dinner engagements.

But just for the record, this is NOT a site for fanboys. We aren't out to start a new revolution, or join in the hype. We are counterproductive in the best sense of the word, here, because we believe open criticism of the editorial slant of the industry as it stands today is a necessary funtion, designed to keep the creators honest.

But it's also a stress releiving thing. Sometimes we just can't bite our lips any longer. In this forum, that just won't be happening.

Thanks for reading. Bactine and bandages will be handed out at the front desk. Feel free to wash up before you go.


This Site Protected By ZOE
Zoe is the patron saint of all crabby comics aficianados, and is a little girl with a big gun, so play nice, or you're toast.

Thank you.
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