Notes f/t EDITRIX
The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX
Notes f/t EDITRIX

News and reviews and general editorials will be available on following pages, including Notes From Our Editrix, an Op/Ed soapbox for our main guttersnipe, Ms. Taconite. Unless otherwise noted, allarticles are soley her creation ,to which end none but she knows.

Currently, it's whatever I manage to get put up here for Her Majesty of the Blue Pencils.

NEWSFLASH: Taconite WINS!!! (June 2nd, 2001)

NEWSFLASH: Taconite Loses (July 7th, 2001)

NEWSFLASH: Millar's Wild Life (August 16th, 2001)

NEWSFLASH: Millar's New Trick (August 16th, 2001)

NEWSFLASH: Morrison Enraged (August 17th, 2001)