The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX

Collected here are the comicbook musings of Her Majesty of The Blue Pencils, The EDITRIX.

The rants collected here were originally composed and posted at the CBR X-Boards, under one of the assumed personae listed to your left. The arranged in decending chronological order, and the rants themselves are listed and titled within. Each rant still has it's own post date intact. That's all the help you get from me. I'm not being compensated for my work in any way here, folks, so this is it

Future CBR musings will be collected here as well. All editorial musings done exclusively for this site wil lprobably be collected in the section to be entitled Notes From The EDITRIX, to be found elsewhere on this site.

Some people are still mystified as to what my fascination with all this dark grumbling is about. That's okay. I trust The EDITRIX understands.