Drew... I know.
The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX
Yeah, but buddy...

Subject: Drew... I know.

Posted by: Lee in Limbo at 11/10/00 18:07

You DO go on so... it's enough to make me... inordinately proud! *grin*

Hey, buddy, I know you weren't the one that said what Rio said. I was tired (not that the length of my post would give you that impression... it probably got written, from start to finish, in about twenty minutes, verbatum). My thoughts tend to organize themselves better if I mull first, but I generally don't have that kind of time these days. Still, I had read Steve, and then you, and finally Rio, and had arrived at the conclusion that all three of you were basically calling me a pill, which is a lot more blunt than any of you might put it, but the thought is still there, really. I didn't pull this routine to get my best net-bud p!$$#@ at me, so you have to know that I wasn't intending to blanket-accuse any of you. It was an overgeneralization, and if you were truly insulted or bothered by it, then I truly apologize. I had other fish to fry, and just forgot to clear upi that bit of loose thread. You know I don't usually like leaving messy bits of gross inexactitude lying in my wake... I don't like to leave my arguments that vulnerable, so I generally sew them up before I hit the post button. Heck, I usually worry more about hitting all bases than I do about spelling, and even advanced grammar rules are totally disregarded while I'm ranting (thanks for noticing, Rio. Full point, and pastries winging their way to you).

Still, I want Chris to be in a position that I feel is truly immune to the kinds of meddling that Mark and BOB were my notorious whipping boys for, in the past. The best solution, to my jaded and cynical eyes, really seemed to be a story seperate from the mad rush of 'the industry's flag-ship title'. I wanted something deliberately out-of-step with the regular books. I'd want just that, if I were faced with the choice, and I guess I forgot that Chris would naturally want to be where the action is, if for no other reason than to be there to accept the accolades when the soldiers finally march back through the gates victorious, carry their shields, and not being carried upon them. Chris wants the legend to be true as much as we do... and so I wish him all the best, and will support him until it becomes impossible for me to keep up with him anymore, at which point I will concede that it must be me, not him.

It would be sweet if he wound up with a new New Mutants-type title, even if that hurts you to contemplate more young mutants, in lieu of the ones you've grown so attached to. Chris handles those stories so well... I'm sure he could find his pace better that way, and work his way into the mainstream titles after he matches step with whatever Scott and Grant and Joe cook up. I wouldn't even dismiss the possibility of a future retry... see, how much more optimistic can you get... (listening to Zuckerbaby's 'Overexposure', right now. Am I the only one here who thinks this is a great little tune?)

I just don't get the same vibe from Joe Quesada's press releases as you guys. Maybe I AM a little too jaded, Drew... but I still don't feel it... and I guess that means I have to sift through every clump and cluster of unsifted sand, until I find the piece that sells me on it. Found it for the Ultimates... and hey, I even kept my promise to Tom and Joe H, and got issue one of the Seaqrch... looks okay, to me... even if I kinda want a little something more... hard to explain without going into a lengthy bit... but it's quite fine. More than adequate. Just wish I knew where it was going. Still, it'll be great as a tpb, I'm sure. It has that instant classic feel to it.

Gonna go, now.. work tonight. (Hey, there's Rio's Wide Mouth Mason tune... Mp3s can sound just fine on CD, folks. Still, for better source material, you can only listen so long before you have to go out and get one for yourself... or learn to play it yourself!)

Still putting off collecting the latest X-Twin... I'll get to it.

Lee Edward McIlmoyle

Welcome To The Village.
Be Seeing You.
~The Prisoner