State of Address
The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX
Get Out

Subject: State of Address from Genosha: I just want to say...

Posted by: Lee in Limbo at 03/19/01 05:23

...that it's absolutely not true, nor is it even my responsibility anymore. These accusations are baseless, and I am confident that I will prevail... errm.. umm... sorry, wrong speech.

Now, where did I put that Royal Edict...? Oh! There is is! Back pocket... always the last place you look...

Now, a brief comment before the reading of The Official Statement from Genosha. I did not advise the course of action that lead to this sorry state of affairs, and in fact, I strongly urged them not to do it...

...but it seems that Mystaque's evil knows no bounds (or good taste), and now she and her so-called minion are resorting to logic bombs and intellectual terrorist activities of a superficially engrossing but mostly just plain icky-poo nature.

Alright, now the reading...

These *cough cough cough... ahem* ladies... have deemed to call down the wrath of his Emminence, the High Lord Muckamuck Hisself (henceforth to be addressed as His Buffness), Magnus Rex (the criminal activist formerly known as Jos... err, I mean Magneto!). His Buffness wishes it to be known that He is prepared to come all the way over to both their houses and kick their lilywhite, flatland-scuttling tochuses up one side of the Great Lakes and down the other if they do not cease and desist this baseless slandering of His Buffness' solid and well-documented reputation as a WORLD CLASS villain.

His Buffness also wants it to be known that the renderer responsible for the greivous misrepresentation of the state of His Buffness' appendages is being dealt with in swift and just fashion. Henceforth, while the remaining issues that this scallywag has perpetrated are even now in various stages of Production, a process that, so far, His Buffness has not yet managed to subjugate to His Awesome Might, it si safe to assume that the offending renderer, henceforth to be known as His Buffness' Royal BiOtch, is even now learning his place in His Buffness' retinue, and will soon be no further trouble.

Finally, His Buffness wants it to be known that His name is not, nor has it ever been Eric, and wants everyone responsible to know that the next drip who calls His Buffness 'Eric', rather than the proscribed and duly previously stated address, will soon develop a very keen understanding of the lyrics to a certain Monty Python song, about an unfortunate soul who HAD been rather poorly named Eric, and of his unfortunate demise. This will serve as a friendly warning for what His Buffness has in store for you all when he gets finished up with His Buffness' Royal BiOtch, the ersatz renderer formerly known as FLYguy. You will receive no further warnings.

That goes double for the bald guy from that space show!

This statement has been prepared by His Buffness for I, His Loyal Spokes-henchperson, henceforth to be known as The Boss of You Flatscans, to deliver unto this sad forum, and especially unto these woefully mislead, nay ignorant (*a-cough chough cough ahem ahem-hem-hem-heMMM*) LADIES of crime, to put them in their place and remind them that His Buffness does NOT have to put up with this $#!^ any longer. You have ALL been warned.

Rob Liefeld,
His Buffness' Personal Spokesperson,
and The Boss of You Flatscans

Apologies to the actual Mr. Rob Liefeld, who has enough problems,
and does not need this crap heaped upon him at this time as well.
I'll catch you up later, Bobby-boy.