Can I Play?
The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX

Subject: Can I play?

Posted by: Shadowcrab at 03/16/00 15:47

Before the mob catches me. Think I managed to shoot off a couple of my own toes up there....  Honestly, we oughta be wondering why I'm on this board at all, what with all the screeching I do about those poor dumb X-books. But that's just it: I like three characters in the X-books, just three, and I enjoy niggling about the books they're trapped in far, far more than I enjoy reading those books. I like to snipe--or snip--or whatever it is these mighty claws of death were designed to do.... 

So, when I'm reading to enjoy rather than reading to bit--er, complain, here's some of the stuff on the pile: The ABCs (especially Top Ten and Tomorrow Stories), Astro City, JLA, the Long Halloween family of minis, Strangers in Paradise, Starman, Invisibles, Birds of Prey, Martian Manhunter, Bacchus, Cerebus, whatever Brian Michael Bendis has on deck, Akiko, assorted other miniseries (that light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel idea is very appealing), and the big old guiltiest of guilty pleasures, 2000 A.D.  

Getting back to the mining of salt before she finds herself sacked as well as beaten to death by the angry mob and, resultantly, without buckage enough for even a thought of summer travels.... 


Shadowcrab Mystaque Taconite