Jeezy Creezy
The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX

Subject: What's Spanish for "Jeezy creezy"? [Spoilers]

Posted by: Taconite at 05/19/01 01:35

All three big X books in one MEGA POST (which will be blessedly brief [for you people, that is], since we ran out of bakery less than a third of the way through the Encyclopedia Claremont).

Generic X-Men 6: One (1) line that would have saved the WHOLE BOOK:

"Those who make the doughnuts SHALL BE SPARED."

Morrison's X-Fab: Can't write coherently. Still swooning *sigh* over the wonderful romantic dialogue between Scott and Wolverine. Ohh, catch me--!

And, of course, of course, the bestest for lastest….

The Encyclopedia Claremont (or "And let me call you a big ol' D-cup LEIBCHEN while I'm at it."): One (1) question: Why does the Marvel Collective insist on attempting "exotic" locales when it finds the spelling of foreign words just so darned, well, difficult? The answer: FEUGO! FEUGO! (What is that? Some kind of car? "Ayyy! The evil mutant has double-parked my FEUGO!!" (Even a third-rate hack [her term, not mine. Honest.] like my staunch minion with a DISTANT (y'know, like "the-time-it-takes-the-light-from-the-farthest-star-to-reach-Earth" distant) high school background in Spanish could spot that one. [So I spotted it first. Ha. I generously give HER the credit.].) Okay, so I lied: make that TWO questions (or three, for the real nitpickers in the audience): If it takes a twenty-six-foot fuel-efficient Bayliner a quarter tank of gas to get from Afton, Minnesota, to St. Paul, Minnesota, then how much gas would it take to get a forty-foot X-yacht all the way across the Atlantic? "Welcome to the UNION 76 BUOY. May we help you?"

Maybe it runs on hot air. I sure do. That, and doughnuts. And coffee.

P(h)uta p(h)uta p(h)uta, y'all!

Kim Kaliszewski

Shadowcrab Mystaque Taconite