Triple The Fun
The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX

Subject: Triple the fun next week...

Posted by: The Lucky One at 07/06/01 12:52 all three of the core books come out. (Two of them when they're even supposed to! *grin*) Something for all of us, I suppose, so let there be no Cynical Sidneys around here come next Wednesday, agreed? (Well, okay, I'm sure there'll be a couple, but let's keep it to a minimum.)

Anyway, the First Looks are up over at Mile High, so here's some spoiler space for those who don't wish to know any details...













Okay, that's enough. First, I'm happy to say, New X-Men actually looks somewhat interesting. Nice headshot of the Master Mold on Quitely's part there, and vastly improved dialogue from Grant. Still not quite sure what the phrase "following through into my Calvins" means (though I could hazard a guess, and that's yet another toilet references in the X-books lately... somebody's not gonna be too happy); must be a British or Australian thing. Cyke's visor is still too thin, dangit (it looks weaker than his original one, and he's supposed to have gotten way more powerful since then, courtesy of Krakoa), but that's a minor quibble. Far more important that he sounds like himself. Hard to tell so far, but things look good to this point.

Then, of course, there's Uncanny. Still disliking the Lila Cheney/Mutant Massacre redux plot, still liking the banter between the characters. Nice art, too; shame Churchill's leaving so soon, though Garney is a more than worthy replacement. Anybody got any idea what exactly the "creative differences" were this time? (Maybe he just didn't like drawing stories somebody else had already drawn... *wink*)

And last (but not least, to some of us anyway), the X-Treme team. This here's the big event of the week, as it seems that (more spoiler space)


...she's dead, Jim. At least, that's the implication given by the captions, courtesy of the thoughts of one Dr. Henry P. McCoy. (And how appropriate is it that he's quoting King Lear to himself in the midst of recognizing Betsy's death? I tell you, compliment Grant all you want on his stories, but honestly, no one knows the characters themselves better than Chris...) And we were all worried about Grant coming in and killing off favorite characters? Heh. Classic magician's misdirection, for my money. Dazzle 'em with one title from the outset, and then, when they're not looking...


Bad guy: "I wanna talk to my lawyer!"
Red Tornado: "It's nice to want things."

Mile High (and yes, I am happy to see you)


Shadowcrab Mystaque Taconite