U.F.B.S @ Marvel
The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX

Subject: Thank God for those u.f.b.s at Marvel.

Posted by: Taconite at 05/15/01 15:44

The ephemerally [ohmigod, I meant to say "eternally." What a heinous typo!] talented, take-a-long-walk-on-a-short-pier-PLEASE Mr. Claremont has effectively sodomized Nightcrawler.

The stripmine-the-X-flick-ripoff-crew has given Mystique the echidna treatment. I'm suddenly hating the movie now. Thanks, guys.

All that's missing is for Mark (Shock-Value-Equals-Talent-Right?) Millar to have a scene in Generic where a gaggle of frat guys rapes Kitty in her dorm room. There's the idea, Marky! Run with it! You and the interchangeable Kubert-Kritters did such a nice job with the naked President on the White House lawn panel that this should be no trouble at all!

Two down, one to go. Then ... WHOOO HAAA!!!! B'bye, X-land!

(Please, someone, c'mon. Tell me how I'm supposed to (a) give "Grant" a chance or (b) "wait and see what happens." Y'know, just like at the end of John Carpenter's "The Thing"....)

Oh,oh,oh, here we go. Bonus time: A fabulous prize (No kidding! Really! I'll send you an astounding article of "stuff"!) to the first one who can name the character and the movie:

"Don't you understand? My heart is broken."



Subject: And here ladies and germs........

Posted by: JeeB at 05/15/01 19:22

...is proof that the angry fanboy stereotype isnt really a stereotype at all.



Subject: Re: And here, ladies and germs... Posted by: Taconite at 05/15/01 20:02 Angry fanGIRL stereotype, swee'pea. FanB*TCH has a certain ring to it, though...

No guesses yet?

Honestly, if you answer the movie question, I will send you a FABULOUS PRIZE from my Angry FanGIRL hoard of comics and related stuff. If you care to take a stab, or simply flame me, here's my e-mail address:


Knock yerselves out.

Kim Kaliszewski


Subject: Taconite is a lying sack of.... Posted by: dark ellipsis at 05/19/01 08:21

: No guesses yet?
: Honestly, if you answer the movie question, I
: will send you a FABULOUS PRIZE from my Angry FanGIRL hoard of
: comics and related stuff.

HA....Double HA.... Don't believe a word she says because I gave the correct answer and she gave me squat! She said something about minions not being "eligible".

The answer was "Smilla's Sense of Snow"

She is a skank ho and a smarmy whelcher of grand proportions.

dark ellipsis

boon scallion of hades

Shadowcrab Mystaque Taconite