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The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX

Subject: I owe everyone an apology.

Posted by: Taconite at 05/02/01 12:25

Here I thought the Nightcrawler/priest thing (which we file, boys and girls, under the BRAIN RAPE* category) was Chris Claremont's idea. It wasn't. He ripped it off from Chris Ware. I found the following in the mail order offers in the back of Acme Novelty Library, Issue Number One, Volume Number Five, Winter 1993-94; and I suspect Mr. C did, too:




"This one is a must see. Strange mystical experience, appears to you at unexpected times. Tell all your friends. Imagine their surprised expressions as you explain the real meaning of it all. They will laugh at you, make you feel stupid. But you will have the consolation of your own meek integrity. Really question your own premises, fundamental powers of perception.

Get Two ...... $1.98"

Darn. All that vitriol wasted. Sorry, Great God C and all His minions. I'm a bum.

* The real phrase rhymes with "blind duck," but we're not supposed t' use language like that 'round here.


Shadowcrab Mystaque Taconite