Big Hair Bands
The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX

Subject: Rank speculations, or Better Living Through Big Hair Groups

Posted by: Mystaque at 08/22/00 00:20

So then: When the X-kids take on Def Leppard in issue 106 (having bested Twisted Sister with a mighty six-inch-deep flood in issue 105), who'll get to beat on/be beaten on by the one-armed drummer? (My vote's on Nightcrawler. That'd be a great addition to the My Butt Kicked By section of any resume. Especially his.)

(Hey. Wow. About makes it a shoe-in that Spinal Tap will be the Neo villains in the next Unlimited, what with ST coming out soon as a special DVD. Can hardly wait to see what Brett "Baby, I'm Drawing Blindfolded" Booth does with Derek Smalls.)

If Ringlet could make it to 105's big monster bash, where in the heck were Pigtail and Spitcurl?

Special highly thought-out anatomy/art questions (for all the anatomists, artists, and serial killers in the area):

How in the holy hand grenade is Betsy's right wrist attached to her body on the cover? ("Duct tape" is right out, so don't even go there.)

Panel five, page twelve (counting all of the snacky ads, and the P[retty] C[ruddy] ad, and the game ad. [But no Winky Crow Corn Nuts ad. That hurts.]): What? What the-- What. WHAT IS THAT?

Ow. (Oops: meant to say "Oh.") Page one: the kiss metaphor. "As delectable as the champagne," quoth Mr. Claremont. "As red as Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice Cocktail," replyeth the colorists.

Question for the math pros: How many permutations on Roque's personal Miranda warning "We're the X-people, and we don't appreciate/like/cotton [or take kindly] to critters/people/Blue Meanies like ya'll beating on/picking over/making lovely crocheted items for church craft sales out of our friends, so ya'll better run/shoo/scat/leave the area/STEP AWAY FROM THE CAR!!!" will we see?

Wowza, and after Def Leppard: Quiet Riot! Be there in twenty-six--er, fifty-seven(?), True Believers!



I saw over at 3 Color Revue that Talking Heads were going to be the next big Neo villains--and that one X-man will DIE!!!

And every one knows that Spinal Tap won't be the villain in the next X Men Unlimitied, they're going to be in issue 111.

Where are you getting your information, I'd like to know.

p.s. You are way off in your comments about the champagne. Dom Perignon Ruby Brut Curvee is that color, and it is very expensive. So someone like Warren Worthington III would have an ample supply.

dark ellipsis

Shadowcrab Mystaque Taconite