Cruisin' for a bruisin'
The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX

Subject: Cruisin' for a bruisin'.... [SNIPE ALERT]

Posted by: Mystaque at 02/16/01 19:06

[DISCLAIMER: This is not a smiley/happy post. It is a grumbly post. I like to grumble. If I pony up dough for a comic, I have thereby purchased a license to grumble. With more time, I would have cloaked the following grumble in pleasantly prickly parody, but I have to get back to my glamor-and-excitement-filled job. Apologies to all my minions.]

I know I'll get in trouble if I say this is in reference to any specific issue of any comic (**kaff**kaff**the Ultimate 381 preview pages**hack**hack**--actually it could be in reference to any of the potato-packer books on the shelves: DC, Marvel, or "other"), but...

...bulging muscles look stupid. [Oh, heck: a "troll" word--! GET THE FLAME THROWER! Better say--mmmm--"unrealistic" instead.]

Call me picky, but I'd like to think that comic book fellows have a prayer of bending their arms and legs. Those twenty-six-inch biceps, etc., imply that these guys do nothing but drink Weider powder all day long between interminable weight sets. However do they find the time to "protect a world that fears and hates them"? "Oh, hell, let Magneto take flippin' Manhattan! I gotta hit the gym!"

(And special congrats to Mr. Millar, who has managed to work yet another "spontaneous urination" crack into "Ultimate." What, is he getting a dime per joke from the Depends people?)


It's in my idiom.

Shadowcrab Mystaque Taconite