The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX

Subject: Let me call you "Boobchen"....

Posted by: Mystaque at 09/09/00 18:56

I was doing the bad thing: I was looking at the advance copies of Blechh--oopsie--Black Sun numbers two through--what--? it seemed like an infinity of Powder Puff Girls gel-pen coloring--and I noticed one--ONE--teensy detail:

I know that they--the "they" collective: Mr. Claremont and all the X-rest--have only been writing Nightcrawler for twenty-five years or so, and that there are still minor flaws to be waxed off, but, erm...


"Liebchen," according to the Langenscheidt people, who write German dictionary-thingies, means "sweetheart." "Leibchen," the word infesting the spellchecker of EVERY SINGLE WRITER at Marvel, means "bodice."

Or is this some sort of universal Freudian slip? If it is, then I'd like to suggest some script changes:

"Ach, ja, Boobie! Let us fight the minions of Hades!!"
"Lieber Gott, Boobchen! It is the dark lord Tabasco!!"
"Nicht wahr, Boobling! Our love will save us!!"

Spater, mein' kleine capuchins....


Shadowcrab Mystaque Taconite