Hang Small Cars Up
The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX

Subject: You can use 'em to hang small cars up to dry....

Posted by: Taconite at 07/06/01 22:06

SPOILERS! Weird, noncontextual SPOILERS!

1. Why does Kurt pick up the barbecued mutant? [Are they burying the dead? Not obviously--and it would take weeks.] Before everyone starts in with an indignant (yet dignified) chorus of "It's a BEAUTIFUL HUMANITARIAN GESTURE, you COW!!!", let's all pause for a moment to think calmly about how much fun it would be to get sticky charred skin stains out of a nice new leather uniform. Yum.

2. Choose-your-own-post time. For infuriating cynicism, choose (A). For befuddling backpedaling, choose (B).

(A) "Someone--or something--has killed all the helpless mutants who were milling around like cows and wondering Where Babies Come From in the last issue! Oh, Lieber Gott and achy, too! I'm scared!! We must CALL FOR HELP!! Light the WOLVERINE SIGNAL, Warren!! QUICKLY!!!"

(B) That's some fine-eatin' crow y'all got there, or Shocking Admission Time. Though I will never, ever, ever, ever [just keep thinking "ever" for about twenty minutes, and you'll have the general idea] forgive Claremont for Priestcrawler, and he'd be well advised to find a different Apple Authorized Service Representative, should his old G3 ever have a tummyache (heh heh heh), "X-Treme X-Men" #2 was the last X-book I read that didn't leave me feeling like I'd been poked in the eye with a sharp stick. It's a big ol' dino-car of a story—but it's a smooth rider, too [insert "tacky zip-car" comparisons here; I can't: it's the Befuddling Backpedaling path, remember?]. Almost--err--ahh--*hack*ack*ack*--l-l-looking forward to issue 3.


Unfair to minions
Queen of the Empire State


*Senior*Manuscript*EDITOR* of "dark nite of the taco"

Morrison's Wild Kingdom Verbal Brown-out Jeezy Creezy U.F.B.S @ Marvel More Kurt Priest Triple The Fun We Found 'Em