But wait...
The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX

Subject: But wait...

 Posted by: Mystaque at 02/16/01 19:20

...I'm notoriously uninformed. Has Cyclops come back from the (semi-mini-series-)dead as "I-Can-Pop-My-Shirt-Sleeves-So-Hard-That-Tiny-Bits-of-Thread-Will-Shoot-Out-and-Embe d-Themselves-in-Your-Evil-Villain-and/or-Mutie-Hating-Skin-Leading-to-a-Near-Fatal-Infect ion Guy"?


It's in my idiom.

God Is On My Side Neo Heckfire Club Secret Santa Gorgonzola Rant Boobchen Toys Big Hair Bands No Noogie Moo Cruisin' for a bruisin'