Corporate Memo
The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX

Subject: Corporate memo from the Jaegermeister formerly known as Bob

Posted by: Mystaque at 04/24/00 00:54

Re: Wienie picks and ineffectual wounding, etc.

On the last several pages of X-Men 101 one of my evil henchpersons is shown wielding the crossbow of ineffectual wounding. Said henchperson looses several evil wienie picks, with no visible results. I would like my minions in the reading public to rest assured that each pick found its target with devastatingly fatal effect and that any semblance of ineffectuality is due solely to the damping presence of the Comics Code Authority.

Also: Any alarm over the seeming breaking of the crossbow of ineffectual wounding is completely without foundation, as said item is under full warranty and its replacement is winging its way to us from Sears (where America shops) even now.

So quake with fear, you tiny fools.

Also also: We are the Neo, not the Neons. The Neons are lovable, reliable automobiles in a rainbow of Chicklet colors. We are not. So quake with fear, etc.

And remember: The company picnic is right around the corner. So get those Neo 2000 ChowDown button ideas in here, people! That big $100 prize for the best image of nonfatal wounding could be yours.

Ours will be the victory eternal, etc. Have a good one, folks!

"Bob," The Jaegermeister



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