Kurt The Priest Rant
The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX

Subject: Holy backpedaling, Batman: X-Men 106 vs. Magik # 1

Posted by: Mystaque at 10/05/00 17:27

Still harping on the "Ja! Ich bin ein Priest, ja!"-Nightcrawler nonsense, because, honestly, it really, really bothers me. At the end of 106, he's warbling (quite sensibly) about how he "may never be a priest"; then, in Magik # 1, we see him in a cassock sitting in the priest's side of a confessional.

Nope. No no no. No no no no no.

From the St. Paul Seminary home page (in the bea-yootiful Summit Avenue area of St. Paul, MN), a paraphrase: candidates for the priesthood need to gain a bachelor's degree BEFORE they undergo FOUR YEARS of "formation," during which, at a minimum, they earn a Master of Divinity degree.

Maybe the six-month thing was supposed to have been a six-year thing. Otherwise, even allowing for mutant-advancement allowances and waivers (uh huh, sure) and an extremely liberal credit transfer policy at SUNY or any other lovely Empire State citadel of higher learning, there is no way Nightcrawler can be a priest. No way.

I'm not just irritated by this because I was raised Catholic. It also bothers me that they're (and people that "they're" any way you like, gentle readers) making light of a "harmless" profession. Just imagine the reaction if Kurt had shown up after a half-year hiatus and announced he was a brain surgeon or a structural engineer.

I'll be looking into the legal ramifications later, just for yucks, so BEVARE ... BEVARE ... take care....



Subject: Question,...

Posted by: The Lucky One at 10/05/00 19:06

...dear Miss Crabtree. I'm just curious, since I know this whole "Kurt as a priest" thing has really been bothering you ever since it was introduced. Here, you say:

: I'm not just irritated by this because I was
: raised Catholic. It also bothers me that they're (and people that
: "they're" any way you like, gentle readers) making light of a
: "harmless" profession. Just imagine the reaction if Kurt had shown up
: after a half-year hiatus and announced he was a brain surgeon or a
: structural engineer.

So, does it bother you more that:
A) they apparently didn't bother to get their facts straight in regards to the ordaining of Catholic priests before putting it in the book, or
B) you see it as a drastic, unwelcome departure from Kurt's previous characterization, there being too big a difference between "being religious" and "wanting to become a priest", with all that that entails?

Just curious and all, dear lady, as to which is the major bone of contention. If not both.

[Oh yeah, and Lee's been telling me I should send you that idea of mine (though by now it's as much his, anyway), so I'll try to get around to it this weekend, if I can pawn that recruit off on someone else while still getting paid. Be gentle.]




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