It's all good
The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX

Subject: It's all good [NT]

Posted by: Lee in Limbo at 11/10/00 03:06

Some days, we just can't keep quiet. We're working on it.

Lee Edward McIlmoyle

Welcome To The Village.
Be Seeing You.
~The Prisoner

Subject: Got Moooo?

Posted by: Mystaque at 11/10/00 15:33

I'm doomed, anyway. I'll never pass that stupid test.


Subject: Re: Got Moooo?

Posted by: Lee in Limbo at 11/10/00 18:13

Honey, you are the sweetest, cutest, sexiest silly I have ever known. The X-Books are already hard enough to read... the editors will never make them MENSA material. So stop being so puckish... or you know what you'll have in store for you the next time we get together to read comics and drink white wine on the big comfy couch together. You have been warned. 'Three-Colour Reviews' indeed


I heard you on the wireless back in `52
Lying awake, intently tuning in on you
If I was young, it didn't stop you coming through...

Oh-ah, oh-ah...

Lee Edward McIlmoyle

God Is On My Side Neo Heckfire Club Secret Santa Gorgonzola Rant Boobchen Toys Big Hair Bands No Noogie Moo Cruisin' for a bruisin'