Running on Hope
The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX

Subject: Running on Hope... I like that.

Posted by: Lee in Limbo at 11/10/00 17:33

I think Piotr would enjoy painting Logan, because the guy is a very gnarly-looking individual, and from an artist's perspective, that means more neat stuff to try and work out on the canvas/page. And besides, with Piotr's now confessed attraction to Rogue, I don't think he'd be able to keep his paint brush from getting too stiff to paint. *ahem*

And someone has to be the light heart around here. Most of us are way too serious, even when we're being funny. I'm the worst, for that. My sense of humour tends to be dark and acerbic, mocking and rye, and rarely generous or warm-hearted. I don't admire that trait in me, however, so of course I refuse to lay about with the ham fists and accusing all the cheerier folk of oppressing my misery *grin*. Still, I do sometimes feel that I am part of a big problem around here, in that there is an awful lot of criticism levelled around here, and not all of it is aimed fairly or thoughtfully. I am not immune to this critique, either, but I still argue for my right to spout off or doom-say when I fear that the scenery is getting unnaturally bright. But that's as far as it goes. We need to be happy, here. The comics can get very oppressive, and these days, downright confusing. I haven't had as much trouble reading and understanding the X-men since I first started TRYING to read them, back in the seventies... and that was the classic Claremont/Byrne period, too! (I was in single digits, in the seventies.)

So, smile, make merry, and look hopefully towards a great new day, where your favourite titles read as well as the titles you find yourself thinking (HERETIC!) are simply executed much better.

Want to here a secret; I am looking forward, not only to Millar and Kubert, and Claremont and Larroca (again), and even Harris and Raney, but to whomever Morrison and Casey get to work with, and even... even who Scott Lobdell gets to work with. I also can't wait to see the changes and fixes and all the rest.

I just hope it works well, and that it doesn't take me as long to find the heart of the stories, as well as the head, so I can really enjoy them, without misgivings and disappointments beyond the totally reasonable (even ABC can be less-than-perfect, though not by much, and the two Authority issues with Chris Weston were very painful for me. Go figure).

On a lighter note, I finally got my hands on The Search for Cyclops, book 1. It's still not totally immune to criticism, but I have nothing new to add in the critique department (Raney's characters still look too lumpy or misshapen in places at times.. and those chins!!!
But the colorist is at least the equal of Haberlin, and suits Raney and Hanna well. The storytelling isn't really all that bad, and I guess I can't see too much I don't like about it. Still not feeling the love, but it looks great, and when I properly read it, I'm sure it will be a pretty neat bit of writing, too.

I'm also reading Harley Quinn, though. Dodsons... mmmmmnnnn.

Keep Smiling...

Lee Edward McIlmoyle

Welcome To The Village.
Be Seeing You.
~The Prisoner

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