Less Is More
The Latest Travesties Love/Hate Excuses, Excuses Discontents Notes f/t EDITRIX

Subject: Less is more.

Posted by: Lee in Limbo at 11/08/00 19:28

I swore I would never do this again... so I won't. I'll just say, briefly, two things.

1) I love Chris' work, and so, I really do want to see what he does next. I just don't think expanding the X-Twins, as I call the core titles, to three, is the best way to proceed. The continuity is already a shambles, and this just sounds like a recipe for disaster. I find it easy to side with Mystaque on this one, all relationship matters aside.

2) The many ideas they seem determined to try out sound fascinating in and of themselves, but they are coming from Marvel, whose track record for quality productions has been rather spotty for some time now, contrary to whatever self-hype they've bought into. I collect several non-Marvel books, and wish to goodness my X-Men read as well as some of these others. Seems highly unlikely, though. More comics equals less content control, and more continuity shuffling. I want more new stories, not new titles. The publishing concern behind Marvel seems to have gone mad.

Okay, that's too much, already. Sorry to hack off the true believers. I just wonder why they think we want more titles, when we all just want better stories, featuring our favourite characters, and using art that really makes us connect to the story. Am I right, here, or am I totally off-base?

On a side note, I would like to offer my condolences to Jason Liebig, who has left Marvel. I hope he finds good work, soon.

*Rant end*

Lee Edward McIlmoyle

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